Keep It Moving

Keep it Moving

Set Daily Goals

Daily exercise and movement is an important part of our life with MS. Some days it may be impossible to "Keep it Moving" as we can't feel our legs or maybe our arms or maybe we are simply in too much pain to move at all. Muscle Tone ... You use it or lose it.

    Muscle Movement can be as little as leg raises while sitting in a chair or stretching while sitting on the bed. One of the most common symptoms of MS is stiffness also know as "Spasticity." The muscle spasms can be very painful and cause tightness in and around the joints and in the back as well. 

    No, I can't run and some days I can barely walk at a normal walking pace but I try my best to keep it moving. My personal goal for 2020 is to not be a MS Victim but to be a stronger MS Warrior. We all suffer differently as MS has more symptoms than I can list. Fatigue and leg weakness are my main problems and I now that Ampyra for mobility and for me, it's successful. It's known as "The Walking" drug. Steps are still extremely hard for me as I can make it up about 4-5 without stopping. 

    So, one of my goals is to walk at least 15 minutes daily and not give up or give in. 

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